Friday, October 29, 2010

Délicieux Spinach Mushroom Quiche

( Click for enlarged image )

Are you looking for an exotic one pot meal other than the usual routine ? Look no further as I have a tasty and filling quiche that is made with spinach, mushrooms, and cheese. This is my first attempt trying out a french cuisine and it came out pretty well and here is the recipe. The total process involves
  1. Preparing the base
  2. Preparing the filling
  3. Assembling n Baking
For Quiche Base

  • 1 cup flour
  • Flour for dusting
  • 6 tbsp unsalted cold butter
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1 beaten egg
  • salt to taste
Mix the flour,baking powder and salt together nicely. Chop the butter and mix it with flour nicely with ur fingers. When butter incoporates into the flour nicely then add the beaten egg and mix it till it forms a soft round dough.

With a rolling pin making it into a 11 inch dia circle. Carefully shift into the greased pie pan.Press it softly against the pie pan and discard the extra dough on the edge.

Poke some holes into the base with a fork to avoid it to puff when it bakes.Keep it in fridge while u are making ur stuffing.

( Click for enlarged image )

For Filling

  • 1.5 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 1 cup chopped spinach
  • 1/2 onions
  • 2 finely chopped green chillies
  • 1 tsp chilli flakes
  • 1/2 tsp dry basil
  • 1 tsp chopped garlic
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • salt to taste
Heat oil in a pan add garlic,green chilli,onions and fry till onion become golden brown,add mushrooms,spinach,salt and cook for 5 min or till mushroom becomes soft. Evaporate all excess moisture then add chilli flakes,basil and mix nicely.Switch of the stove and let it cool.

For topping
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 beaten egg
  • 1/2 cup grated cheese ( i used cheddar and mozzarealla cheese)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
For topping, in a bowl beat the egg nicely,add milk, grate cheese salt pepper and mix nicely and keep aside

For Assembly

Preheat the oven 350 F.

Take out the quiche crust from the fridge. Spread the mushroom stuffing evenly. Then pour the milk mixture on top of it evenly. It is should be 1/2 cm below the top edge.

( Click for enlarged image )

Put it in oven and bake it for 40-45 min or till the crust become golden brown and the topping too.After baking pull it out from oven and let it rest for 10 min. Slice it and enjoy.

Note: You can avoid egg by adding 1/2 cup grated cheese while making Quiche base n add more cheese on the top before baking

I am sending this to Champa's Bake off event
Tags: Quiche, Spinach, Mushroom


  1. that one yummy dish Satya!...yummy n delish once again!

  2. Quiche is a recent fav of mine and this looks absolutely stunning Satya...

  3. Looks awesome and sounds yum!! Can i make this without egg.

  4. Perfectly done ..... my menu for the weekend :)

  5. Perfectly done bakery style quiche...Can we skip the egg??

  6. @Vidhas & Pratima dear
    we can avoid egg by adding extra cheese for both crust n topping ..

  7. Very nice looking quiche. Thanks for the entry.

  8. Awesome ....quiche...a complete filling meal!!

  9. It looks perfect Satya...Very filling with lots of nutrition.. hope to replace egg .. is it possible?

  10. You surprise me with each of your posts, Satya...each post is ek se barkar ek, dear...quiche looks super yummy and super healthy

  11. This looks absolutely superb Satya..u baked ur own base..thats so perfect...I can have whole of that quinche..pass on please :)

  12. Hey.. this looks so yum!!!!
    Please send me ur e mail id so that i could add u on orkut... are u on facebook?

  13. gorgeous quiche. beautifully prepared n presented:)

  14. Awesome!! It looks so perfect, Satya..Great clicks..

  15. Hey Satya,

    That's a yummy quiche and so healthy too. Would love try it :)

  16. Thats a awesome looking quiche, feel like grabbing a slice rite now even its only 9am..very tempting..

  17. Satya that's look very quiche base is usually a brisèe, but I'm going to try yours...thanks for recipe...have a nice weekend!!!

  18. lovely quiche.....absolutely drool worthy

  19. love the spinach-mushroom combo, am sure it was a yummy delight....

  20. Wow! Love this combo...Very nice and yummy and tempting!

  21. Visited your space and you have got some nice and healthy recipes.
    Will try them out soon.

  22. U r back again with another yummy it the spinach and mushroom 2 gethe is surely good and the colour of quiche is perfect.

  23. This is absolutely gorgeous I must say!! wanna have a bite now :)

  24. The crust and the topping looks perfect! BTW I am not a big fan of quiches!

  25. Hi. I love the mushroom quiche and this looks great. I love to make it in small portions.

  26. Mushroom quiche looks delicious. I love to make them. Your recipe sound perfect.

  27. Lovely quiche and great filling...I like the mix of cheddar and mozzarealla too :)

  28. Perfectly made and a tempting quiche..

  29. looks so good, can i have some:)))))))

  30. Quche lorraine is always my favorite..though cheese scares my hips i love te taste!

  31. Quche lorraine is always my favorite..though cheese scares my hips i love te taste! U do magic with baking.

  32. Wow..Quiche luks professional and very tempting recipe to try..

  33. Looks so yummy ... I really love how wonderfully u bake such lovely savories !!!
    I'm nt very much into baking but ur easy recipes inspire me to try my hands at some baking too !!!

  34. Hey satya,

    There's an award waiting for you at my blog. Please accept it :)

  35. Looks awesome and tempting clicks too!!

  36. beautifully done satya, loving the combination of spinach and mushroom this is best food for this season!

  37. Super delicious Sathya. Keep sharing.

  38. perfectly baked n looks very tempting,I have never heard of this n feeling like to give it a try right now.

  39. The quiche looks perfect, really well done

  40. Mushroom Quiche looks delicious! love mushrooms in any form :).
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. do visit again.
