Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pita Pocket Bread

( Click image for enlarged view )

Pita is a round pocket bread widely consumed in many Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines. The "pocket" in pita bread is created by steam, which puffs up the dough. As the bread cools and flattens, a pocket is left in the middle.Pita is used to scoop sauces or dips such as hummus and also used to form a sandwich. These are sometimes called "pita pockets" or "pocket pitas" to wrap kebabs and falafel.

I got the base ingredients from the tastycurryleaf blog. But I used the oven n they came out pretty well.

Preparation Time: 20 min
Waiting Time: 1 hr
Baking Time: 5 min per pita
Makes : 8 pitas (16 pita pockets)

  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 tsp dry active yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 and 3/4 cup warm water
Cooking Procedure:
In a big bowl add salt sugar n yeast mix nicely. Then add 1 cup warm water and let it sit for 10 min or till it become active .once its active mix oilve oil to it n then add flour one cup at atime and mix with spatula. Add warm water if necessary until all the flour(3 cups) nicely blend and no longer stick to the sides of bowl.Now grease the dough with oil nicely, cover it with damp cloth or cling wrap n let it sit for one hour or till the dough doubles in size.

After one hour remove the dough from the bowl n put on a lightly floured surface and knead it for 5 min until it become smooth. Cut the dough into 8 parts and make them into balls and let them sit for 10 min.

Preheat the oven to 500 F which take approximately 20 min.In this 20 min take the balls and roll it out into circles of approximately 8-10 inches with half cm thick.

( Click image for enlarged view )

Grease the baking tray with some oil. Place the pitas on the tray and bake them in the for oven 2-3 min per side ,it will rise automatically.

( Click image for enlarged view )

Remove pitas from tray ,let it cool for 2 mins ,then cut is into two halfs and pita pockets are ready to fill with your choice of stuffing or you can fridge it for later use .

I am sending this Pita Pocket Bread wonderful event
A.W.E.D.MENU hosted by niloufer started by DK

Tags: Pita,Pita Pocket,Pita Bread,Arabic Bread,Yeast,Flour,Bake,Baking,Easy Recipe,Baking Recipe,Bread Recipe


  1. OMG....such perfect fluffly pitas...Wow!
    They look soft and delish!

  2. Pita pocket bread looks delicious. Perfectly puffed ones.

  3. Satya, that's simply superb! They puffed up so well and loved that click! Well done dear!

  4. Satya, pita pockets look wonderful. They are just perfect.

  5. These pitas are just looking awesome...nicely puffed up

  6. Perfect looking pita pockets...Will try it out soon !!!

  7. Wow..pita pockets look sooooo perfect
    ..Great job!!

  8. well puffed perfect pitas..bookmarked!!thx for sharing satya.

  9. perfect satya...looks soft nmoist....lovemine with veggie balls,hummus...yummmmmmmmmmmm

  10. Perfect for some falafels and bell pepper hummus Satya,,Super pita pockets..

  11. wow.. pitas look so puffy and I am sure to give it a try..

  12. wow..THIS IS GREAT..love that puffed up pita bread pic..so tempting..made me hungry...

  13. pitas simply superb ...luks soft and well puffed up..

  14. wow, it has come out so well :)

  15. Satya .... Gurl u rock !! Amazing pita pockets !

    Cheers n Happy Cooking,

  16. My god..these are amazing...U r sooo talented dear !!

  17. Really cool recipe :) Pretty much unique :)

  18. I just love pita bread. will try soon.

  19. Perfect and puffy pita breads! Love to try this:)

  20. Very informative post. You are really brave to try such varied cuisines

  21. wow !wow! wow! looks superb !

  22. How beautiful, so puffy that I want to rest my head on one. Thanks for linking up with the blog hop at Two for Tuesday.

  23. I love pita bread...wish I had some to dip in my hummus right now! Beautiful...thanks for sharing w/ Two for Tuesdays this week =)

  24. They have come out so well...wonderful pockets....



  25. Hi Sathya,
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  26. Who knew that pita could be so easy? I love this recipe! I found you through Two for Tuesday and I'm glad I did! Have a great week!

  27. Pita bread looks super good dear. I never thought we can make it home:) will try and let you know.

  28. Prefect looking pita breads..yet to make at home..

  29. Oh puffed pitta looks so cute ...its just perfect and fresh...would love to eat with some nice chicken :)

  30. This looks so perfect!! Thanks for sharing, Satya..

  31. Satya, I am such a chicken when it comes to pitas! I WANT to make them, but never have because everyone recommends using a baking stone. This recipe of yours is on a pan, So I am going to screw up my courage and try it! Thanks for linking to the Two for Tuesday Recipe Blog Hop and please visit me to enter my giveaway of a Real Food for Rookies Class! http://bit.ly/dwfvMj :) Alex@amoderatelife

  32. They look very good. Thanks for the entry.

  33. Nice pita! Love to eat pita but have not made them before. Thanks for reminding me!

  34. I never realized that pita's could be so easy - thanks for linking this to Two for Tuesdays!

  35. The pita really puffed up, nice work

  36. Perfect pita bread sathya, its puffed up so well...

  37. I have made used the same mentioned for the pitta bread. But my Pitta Bread hard and crunchy after puffing up. Could you please let me the reason for the same. where i have gone wrong
