Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aloo Parwal Curry

( Click picture for enlarged view )

Parwal is found in abundance in north india but not in south india.When i was in school my mom used to prepare this curry a lot. But after marraige i moved to chennai and rarely found this vegetable.It is also very expensive, but its a lovely vegetable to have as a curry. It has got a unique taste and crunchy feel. It is known as pointed gourd in english and potal in telugu and potolo in oriya : )

Where to buy in chennai
Those of you who are in chennai can get this at the vegetable shops opposite to RMKV T Nagar or if u are lucky sometimes at Saravanna Stores opposite to Ranganathan street !!

How to steal
My neighbour aunty once got this and she told me that i can buy at saravanna, I immediately rushed there but it was over.I came back dejected ...then later aunty asked me the recipe and this was my moment (hehehee .. inner evil laughter), i told her i will tell her the recipe on one condition if she parts with 6-7 parwals!!.So i got my share and i made the curry that day and enjoyed after a long time.See what love for a vegetable can do to me : )

Preparation Time :15 min
Cooking Time : 30 min
Serves 2

  • 10 to 12 parwal
  • 1 cup diced potatos
  • 3/4 cup chopped onion
  • 3/4 cup chopped tomato
  • 1/4 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp coriander powder
  • 1/8 tsp sugar
  • 1/4 tsp chilli powder
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp garlic ginger paste
  • 1/2 tsp garama masala
  • 3 tbsp oil
  • pinch of hing
  • salt to taste

( Click picture for enlarged view )

Cooking Procedure

Wash the parwal and cut the ends and slice lengthwise into four quarters.

Heat 1 tbsp oil in a pan and shallow fry the parwal till they become little soft and golden brown on medium flame and keep aside.

Then heat another 1 tbsp oil in the pan and shallow fry the diced potatos till they become little soft and golden brown and keep aside.

Finally heat another tbsp oil in the pan, add cumin seeds when it splutter, add onion garlic ginger paste,turmeic powder and stir till light golden brown. Add tomatos and cook till soft.

Add all remaining powders,sugar,salt and stir until oil saturated out of gravy.Then add the shallow fried parwal n potatos and stir n blend the mixture with the veggies.

Add half cup of water cover it and stir it occasionally.If you require you can add more water according to your convenience.

After 15-20 min the brussels will be soft and take it off the flame.Serve hot

I am posting this recipe to a wonderful event


Tags: parwal, potol, pointed gourd, curry, tasty curry, simple curry, easy curry, simple recipe, easy recipe, indian recipe, potato and parwal, orissa dish


  1. parwal my fav veggie...looks awesome satya

  2. I used to cook Parwal while I was in Delhi. Now I miss that a lot. Your recipe looks yummy.

  3. we like parwal curry in our household as well..your post reminded me that i have not made this in a long time..
    will go and get some soon :)

  4. Never heard of this veggie! Whatz it called in tamil?
    Looks like tindora to me! whatever is the name looks so yummy!

  5. Parval Curry looks delicious. Loved the colour post preparation.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  6. Potala Tarkari is a comfort food for Odiya's,I am so glad u like it...... I can beg borrow n steal if needed for good food. N Satya it was a good way to trick your neighour :)

    Cheers n Happy Cooking,

  7. Potal curry looks delicious and love the wonderful event behind it.

  8. Very nice and simple recipe ... in Assam Parwal is called Potol .It is breakfast time and your picture here made my mouth water..slurrpss ! The stealing idea is awesome .
    Hey Satya ,thanks for visiting my space..hope to see more of each other .Have a good day !

  9. That looks so good Satya..Yummy..

  10. love mom would make this often..its been long I had this veggie..I hope I get some of this during my next visit to indian grocery store..looks yumm.

  11. not know if I can find that veggie in US, but looks tempting!

  12. sathya thats so tricky.. finally u sold the recipe for this parwal.. any way its my favarite veggie liked the combination with potato good one

  13. awesome and lovely combo looks tempting to have with rice or chappathi.

  14. U kno the best part was we got parwal's in abundance even in saudi...(in bangla stores though) I love its deep fry... never tried this one.
    Ur neighbor aunty may be wondering y did i ask for recipe :P

  15. really really miss parwal here in US.your preparation is mouth watering!

  16. lovely curry, :) hello , nice of you to drop by at my place. hope to visit you soon.

  17. Delicious curry and fantastic combo!

  18. Looks so yummy ... nice recipe !!!

    - Smita
    @Little Food junction

  19. my first time here...u hv lovely space...I rarely make parwal at home eventhough it is abundantly available here....sabzi looks yummy

  20. never tried it, but from the ingredients im sure t tasted fab

  21. The how to steal part was a nice addition..very cheeky...I love aloo parval... thanks for such a healthy recipe!!

  22. parwal thats my fav vege, my granny used to make it when i was in in chicago i never saw this looks really delicious

  23. I haven't eaten this kind of vegetable interesting!

  24. i never cooked with parwal before..will have to do soon...

  25. nice one..keep posting such delicious recipes

  26. New curry for me..looks & sounds to give a try..:)

  27. I have heard of this veggies and from the way you have described sounds great, will try when am back home, glad to have found ur blog, you have a great collection of recipe her Satya :)

  28. Never heard of this parwal. Dish looks interesting.

  29. sathya, this is my fav veg, great. liked your thalipith and cutlets, superb

  30. very tempting and inviting recipe.

  31. I have never heard of parwal. It looks delicious, though:) I like the story of how you got some

  32. one my favourites..but the sad part is i don't get parwal here..:(...the dish looks grt...

  33. Wow, that looks good. It has been ages since I had that. I love Parwal and we used to wait for winter month as that's when we would get this veggie. Very tempting pic.

  34. Love this one. Will surely try :)

    You got a lovely space here...!


  35. Thanks for stopping by my site! I love Indian cuisine. You have some really great recipes (=

  36. wow, looks super tempting. I love aloo parwal:)
    Looks so inviting..mouthwatering
    Indian Vegetarian Food Recipes
