Thursday, July 29, 2010

Award Time ( The versatile blogger award )

This versatile blogger award was given to me by 6 wonderful bloggers Akheela, Neetz , Fajeeda, Veena Krishna kumar, Mina joshi, Satrupa. Each of them are special and have their unique style of presentation. My hearty thanks to all of you for giving me this award. Love you

7 things about me

1. Cooking is my passion and also love to eat out and experiment different cuisines and my favourite cuisine is indian street food !!
2. Love jokes and always jovial and cheerfull
3. Want to be help anybody to any extent,
4. Love travel to new places or just go out anywhere to spend maximum time with my hubby, it can be just the reliance grocery store : )
5. Love to practice yoga and meditation
6. Love to make new friends, watch movies, chat and have a good laugh
7. Love blogging and reading other blogs

I am honoured to pass this award to 15 blogger friends each having their unique style, but i wish i could give to more bloggers but policy does not permit me.

( this list not in any specific order )

Dear friends please collect the award and pass it to other 15 wonderful bloggers


  1. Congrats dear .. you deserve many more 4 being such a wonderful blogger.
    it was fun 2 know more about u :)

  2. congrads dear. u really deserve it. may u receive many more awards and appreciations. Thanks for sharing it with us too.

  3. Congratulations Satya , Thanks for sharing it with us all .

  4. congrats on ur award.. thanks a lot for sharing the same with me.nice to know more abt u n ur interest..

  5. Thanks a lot for visiting my blog and for your lovely and sweet comment.
    I liked your blog very much and I appreciate for your wonderful presentation. I have become your 100th follower. Heartiest congratulations to you for all your awards.

  6. Congrats Satya!!You deserve it :)

  7. Congrats Satya and thanks for sharing the same with me...Appreciated!

    The funny thing is I have shared the same thing with you too..:)

  8. Congrats Satya, you very well deserve it. Loved to know about you, you sound like me :)

  9. Congratts sathya,you deserve it.Mee lakshanalu nalo kuda chala unnayi,am referring to meditation etc..Thank u very much for sharing with us.

  10. Congrats sathya, you deserve many more....and it was lovely knowing few things abt you...

  11. hey nice to know about you.
    and Congrats on your awards :)

  12. congrats sathya, you deserve a lot more awards and thanks for remembering me, so sweet of you, thanks dear

  13. Congratulations. Having so many nominations shows that you deserve the awards. Well done.

  14. Congrats Satya, glad to know more about u..

  15. Many Congrats on receiving the award.Wishing you many more to come.

  16. Congrats dear on your awards.... Wishing you to get many awards..

  17. Congrats on your award..well deserved and thanks for your visit to my blog and for lovely comments

  18. congrats on your well deserved award, good to know about you..

  19. Dear Satya
    I am really delighted to receive the award from you. I love to receive awards...:-) ( even if I dont cook)
    Will hoist the award with my next post.
    Have a nice weekend

  20. Congrats deserve it.
    Lovely to know more about you.

  21. Congrats on ur award and it's my pleasure to receive it from you dear..

  22. Congrats on your award satya and good to know about you!

  23. Satya, thank you for the award. I'll surely do pass it to other bloggers. Right now i'm having few guests at home. So i might have to put this on hold. I'm sure i'll be doing a post on weekend.

  24. congrats on the award!
    Thanks for passing the award to me! liked the surprise!

  25. Congrats on your well deserved award! Enjoyed getting to know more about you....

    Thanks so much for sharing this award with me...

  26. Hey,

    Congrats on your award and Thanks so much for passing it to me.

  27. Congratulation and thanks for sharing the award with me.
