Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Soursop Smoothie a Natural Cancer Fighter

My mother survived cancer a couple of years back and it was very a painful experience for her and the family. Recently when I was at a local vegetable fruit store "Kovai Pazhamudhir Nilayam" Anna Nagar Shanti Colony, I was amazed to see the soursop fruit being sold as a natural cancer fighting fruit. It was expensive sold at 350 rs per kg but having known what cancer can do to the human spirit prevention is always better than cure.

The mineral content and substance in soursop is 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells compared with adiamycin and chemotheraphy.And unlike chemotheraphy soursop selectively hunts down bad cells and not harm healthy cells  

This fruit is very rich in fiber and has a distinct sourness and sweetness combined. You can have it as it is too and I ate half of the pulp directly. It tasted much better after I had freezed it.

Before you enjoy this fruit it is also important to realize how cancer cells grow in the human body as it will help us effective measure to prevent it

1. Sugar is a cancer-feeder.
By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells.. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal,Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Stevia which I had posted  earlier .

2. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily and deep breathing like kapalabhati popularized by baba ramdev help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cell.

3. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment 
Anger, unforgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to relax and enjoy life. Meditation is helpfull to de-stress.

Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour and contains only one mineral iodine. Table salt makes our  body  more acidic. A  better alternative would  be  himalayan salt 
Source : Canceractive.com

A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics,growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer. A vegetarian diet keeps the body more alkaline.

After reading about the benefits of soursop I recommend to make it part of your diet .

So here is the recipe

  • 1/2 cup soursop pulp
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1.5 tsp sugar or 1/4 tsp stevia
  • 7-8 ice cubes
  • 1/2 tsp pistachio for garnish
Cut into half and scoop the pulp out and and remove the seeds.

In a blender make a smoothie with all the above ingredients. Pour it in a serving glass and garnish with the pistachios and serve immediately.


1.Grinding the ice cubes with the soursop makes it a perfect chilled smoothie.

2. Soursop is best to select if it is turning lightly yellow and a little soft when pressed outside.

3. Adding nuts is optional however it gives a wonderful nutty texture to the smoothie

I shared this recipe with the Hearth & Soul blog hop


  1. This fruit is new to me. Thanks for sharing info about this fruit. Smoothie looks yummy and very healthy

  2. I wish your mom lives happily with you guys always. God bless her good health. Take care.

    This is new for me, looks more like custard apple.

    Very informative post.

  3. This is a new fruit for me too. Thanks a lot for posting this very useful post.

  4. This is such a helpful post!! This fruit is abundant in Tanzania. But I refused to buy this coz I did not know what to do with it. Now that I know I will be buying this the next time.

  5. Its an helpfull post.We wish ur mom to recover Satya.Helpful post.

  6. good to hear that your Mom has recovered well....Never seen this fruit and amazed to see what magic it can do...Informative post

  7. Have never heard of this fruit...where can we get this?? btw very nice post abt cancer....my mom is a survivor too...I hope I can get the fruit ..so that i can tell me mom too..
    "Healthy Recipe Substitution" - HRS Event and SURPRISE Giveaway - Dec 20th to Mar 20th

  8. I love the taste of soursop...perfect smoothie for me

  9. this is new but so delicious and healthy:)

  10. Soursop is my favourite drink dear! Be it juice or smoothie. You made it look so delish...slurpppp!

    Regards to your MOM :)

  11. oh lovely, looks very tempting!!!

  12. satyajiiii...hii..nice to be here after a long time...and the post is very good and useful info...best wishes..stay connected:)

  13. Lovely blog Dear...

    Interesting healthy and very new to me.

    But cannot identify what was the main ingredient? where can i get?

    Happy to follow you.

    Ongoing Event:
    Homemade Spices:Store To Bowl.

  14. @ Anu and Nabanita Das
    Glad to know you liked this post, you can get soursop at "Kovai Pazhamudhir Nilayam" fruit and vegetable store which have many branches in chennai

    I bought at 5th Avenue, Shanthi Colony, Opposite To Hotel Saravana Bhavan, Anna Nagar


  15. Have not heard of this fruit at all. I guess it is healthy. How does it taste?

  16. Never seen or heard of this fruit, but this sounds like a boon - a natural cure for cancer!

    In depth information Satya, I really appreciate the way you juxtapose your recipes with health information. Posts like these are like hidden gems, very useful... keep writing.

  17. Wow. Such a cool post. I've never even heard of soursop. I'll keep an eye out for it from now on! Love it! Thanks!

  18. What an informative post and I wholeheartedly wish your mom a long and healthy life ahead.

    Thanks for sharing this. I have never seen or heard of this fruit and donno if we get it in US either. But will check.


    1. You can buy it on Amazon. Com. Purdue University did research on this and found it will cure many types of cancer.

  19. I've never had this before, but it sure looks good! Thanks for sharing your recipe with the Hearth and Soul Hop. I’ve pinned it to my smoothie board on Pinterest.

  20. Luvly post satya...I have seen this fruit,but never tried it

  21. The receipe look delicious! Great write up.
    I will give you a site where I got real fruit on powder form, I mix it with milk and ice cream to go healthy. they have mango, soursop, apple, pineapple, etc. A lot of fruits and veggies. Enjoy guys! http://www.freshlydried.com

  22. The name of the fruit is called Guanabana. I've recently just heard about this too. Here in California I've seen it in Mexican markets. Ive also found it at the Top Value market. Some places have it already frozen. I hope this helps! =)

  23. You can also buy it frozen at the Latin and Caribbean stores next to frozen mango and papaya.

  24. Thanks for sharing this healthy recipe! Love this smoothie.

  25. Just had one at a local pho restaurant my girlfriend and I came to. It's a very good, refreshing flavor!

  26. Thank you so much for posting on soursop. I just bought two to give them a try at the recommendation of a friend, but I had no idea they were so good for us. (They are so alien-looking I'd never been brave enough to try them before.)

    Thank you, also, for the reminders about why eating natural foods is so important for our health.

  27. Hi friends, I am selling Anti cancer fruit SOURSOP all over india and exporting too.please contact 9043077077 or 9677625267 for further queries.......
