Friday, December 9, 2011

Freshly Baked Eggless Cinnamon Rolls

These last couple of months I have been very busy with some personal engagements. Now I have the time I thought I can share one of my favorite baking creations. I wanted to make these eggless as I am sure there are lot of you who would want to try this out without eggs. I was pleasantly surprised that they tasted wonderful too ... so here is the recipe

  • 3 1/4 all purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp yeast
  • 4 tbsp butter
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 1 1/4 cup warm milk
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
For spread
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp butter
For glaze
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla powder
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 3-4 tbsp milk
Stage 1 - Making the dough
Take a large bowl add sugar,salt, butter and yeast and mix nicely.Then add warm milk and let it sit for 10 min. After 10 min add the all purpose flour 1 cup at a time and knead for approximately 5 min or until the dough becomes smooth.Keep the dough aside.

Stage 2 - Resting the dough for baking
Coat the bowl with 1 tbsp olive oil,then place this dough in it and roll it. Cover this bowl with a damp cloth or a cling wrap and let it sit for 1 hr.

Stage 3 - Shaping
The dough size will double after 1 hr, knead it again nicely and divide it into two parts and spread it with a roller like chapatti and apply butter evenly and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar powder. Then roll it and cut into 1 inch thick swirls. Let is rest for 20 minutes.

( Click all images for enlarged view )
Stage 4 - Glaze Preparation
Preheat the oven for 180 Celsius. In the meantime whisk butter, sugar and milk till it reaches a thick flow-able consistency.

Stage 5 - Baking
Bake the cinnamon swirls for 30-40 min till golden brown. Remove the baking tray and let it cool. Drizzle the glaze over the rolls and let it sit. Serve warm and enjoy the cinnamon rolls.

Note: The temperature of milk should be luke warm to ensure the activation of yeast is perfect. If the yeast does not foam then the yeast is not activated properly, discard the solution and prepare fresh again.


  1. Cinnmon rolls look yummy....Lovely clicks..

  2. Woww..sathya,after a gap of 2 months u came with a tasty n lovely recipe,chala chala baundhi.surely will try it.

  3. Lovely and tempting..lovely clicks

  4. Yummy looking cinnamon rolls.....

  5. Glad to see u back after a long, cinnamon rolls looks damn delicious.

  6. wow...iam drooling here so tempting....

  7. This looks really tempting satya....wonderful recipe:)

  8. Welcome back Satya, feels so good to have you back :)

    My mouth is watering, with all these super lovely clicks! Delicious to the core, would love to pick up a piece right now :)

  9. Looks just mouthwatering and easy to prepare and tempting!

  10. The rolls look super yummy. NIce clicks and great recipe. My first visit here. Following you.

  11. looks divine...tempting n healthy ones sathya..:)
    love to see you in my space too..
    Tasty Appetite

  12. wow, looks like it belongs in a bakery, very pretty!

  13. Hi Satya..

    Nice blog I will be visiting again. could you tell me if u are aaware that ur blog is listed on something called the Foodbix? I did not apply for membership and yet all my blog posts are on it. I am not entirely comfortable about it.
    Please can u let me know if u are aware of this ?

  14. Nice

  15. looks yummy!!!

  16. Ummm too good ,just baked and had with filter coffee

  17. Hai in ingredients 3 1/4 means 3cups and 1/4cup or what pl.clarify me.I want to try.
